Orlando Residences, Angeles City, Pampanga

Orlando Residences, Suite, Angeles City
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Orlando Residences, Angeles City

358 Leticia Street
Angeles City

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Mob: 0916 128 1326 Globe
Mob: 0919 680 2137 Smart

Booking and Price Checking: Hotels in Angeles City

Orlando Residences, Suite, Angeles CityInformation:

Furnished and Semi Furnished Villas
Kitchen with LPG
Swimming Pool
WiFi and Cable TV

Units and Amenities

Standard is a fully-furnished unit with a living room, dining area and a kitchen where guests can indulge by having their home away from home with top of the line amenities that mostly being offered to other hotels in Angeles City but we opt to give you well-improved features such as:  Private bathroom with hot and cold shower, toilet with towels, soap and shampoo, cabled TV with over 74 channels, DVD player and a mini bar.

Deluxe is designed with bright yellow and white colors to keep the balanced soothing ambiance of the unit, this is best to accommodate up to 8 occupants per night with well-improved amenities same with Standard Unit.

Suite is by far the largest fully air-conditioned unit type we offer at Orlando Residences wherein 1 child 12 years old and below free of charge, equipped with 3 private bathroom and toilet, a dining area that has 6-seater dining table, kitchen with free utilities.


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