Overseas Visitors Spending in the Philippines 2015

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The Country that spends the most in the Philippines is:

May 2015 Tourist Spending in Philippines

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Php 4,055,000,000 Korea
Php 3,699,000,000 USA
Php 1,060,000,000 Japan
Php    916,000,000 Australia
Php    650,000,000 China

These top 5 countries were followed by: Canada (6), UK (7), Singapore (8), Spain (9) and Malaysia (10).

Korea still positioned itself as the biggest contributor of visitor earnings for the country with Php 4.055 billion, overtaking the United States’ Php 3.699 billion. Japan placed 3rd with Php1.060 billion while Australia (Php 0.916 billion), and China (Php 0.650 Billion) provided the 4th and 5th biggest visitor receipt.

Spending per visitor in the Philippines

Per capita spending was recorded at:

Php 55,059.93 United States

Php 48,870.66 Australia
Php 48,580.54 Canada
Php 48,429.79 United Kingdom

Php 43,103.50 Korea

Australia, Canada and UK are almost identical in spending by these figures. But how the figures are obtained is curious.

Average Daily Expenditure (ADE) of international visitors for the month of May 2015 was recorded at Php 4,583.29 while Average Length of Stay (ALoS) for the same month registered 10.11 nights.

Philippines Top Spending Markets May 2015

Visitors to the Philippines by Point of Entry by Air in May 2015

297,987 Manila
:  61,970 Cebu
:  34,933 Kalibo
:  13,801 Clark (Angeles City)
:        901 Davao
:        777 Palawan
:        325 Iloilo

Visitors to the Philippines by Point of Departure May 2015

58.39% visitors from Asia
19.60% visitors from Americas
9.31% visitors from Europe
5.80% visitors from Australasia/ Pacific
4.30% visitors from Overseas Filipinos

Visitors to the Philippines by Country: Jan to May 2015

Percentage Arrivals Country
24.50% 546,031 Korea
15.74% 350,776 US
9.18% 204,704 Japan
7.08% 157,830 China
4.59% 102,323 Australia
3.47% 77,395 Singapore
3.32% 73,989 Canada
3.11% 69,362 Taiwan
2.98% 66,410 United Kingdom
2.92% 65,115 Malaysia

Visitor Arrivals by Subcontinent of Residence


1 : 174 : 3,491,997

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