El Galleon Beach Dive Resort, Small La Laguna, Puerto Galera

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El Galleon Beach Dive Resort

El Galleon Beach Dive Resort is located in Small La Laguna, Puerto Galera

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The El Galleon resort is a five star resort just a couple of hours South of Manila, providing unashamed luxury at prices that most Westerners would expect to pay for a two star hotel.
The diving here is unquestionably the best of anywhere in Oriental Mindoro and some would say all Asia.

El Galleon Beach Dive Resort

El Galleon Beach Dive Resort
Small La Laguna
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

El Galleon Beach Dive Resort

Property details:

Comfort and Relaxation.

If you are looking for a beach vacation then come to El Galleon, the jewel of the Philippines, where the resort staff will do their very best to spoil you.
If you like to scuba dive, then let us tell you right away that our resort is smack in the middle of a marine reserve, created and protected by the Philippines government.

If you are looking for a romantic resort, this really is where you will experience the magic of the Orient.
It’s hardly surprising then that we are so popular with honeymoon couples.
We’re a family-friendly, beach resort.
Any vacation can be made or spoiled by how happy the children are and we never forget this.
As well as numerous outings we have a wide variety of things for children to do so they don’t have time to get bored.
We have a scuba diving course called ‘Bubblemakers’ to introduce children as young as eight to our exciting sport.
Or they can snorkel in the Coral Gardens where the water is shallow but teeming with fish and marine life.
From the age of ten children can now do the PADI Open Water course.


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Accurate Map Location to Follow


El Galleon Beach Dive Resort
Small La Laguna
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Phone number for El Galleon Beach Dive Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0917 814 5107

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