Apartelle De Francesca, White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Apartelle De Francesca is located in White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Apartelle de Francesca is located in the heart of WHite Beach, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro. With its complete amenities and facilities, Apartelle de Francesca is committed to ensure that quality services will be provided to their guests. It has 48 air-conditioned rooms that can accommodate up to four persons comfortably in each room depending on the type of the room. Each room has a cabled television and private bathroom equipped with hot and cold shower.

Apartelle De Francesca

Apartelle De Francesca
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Apartelle De Francesca

Property details:

Apartelle de Francesca also has a foot-shaped swimming pool with Jacuzzi, gym, souvenir shop, internet cafe, water refilling station, bar and garden restaurant.
Also, the resort has billiards table and KTV videoke equipment that quests can use during thier leisure time.
Apartelle de Francesca also has a safety deposit box that guests can use to be assured that their personal belongings will be keep safe.
It has also two standby-generators to ensure that there can be no down time while our guests are making the best out of their vacation.

Apartelle de Francesca, while being only three to five minutes walking distance from the beach, is ideal for perfect relaxation.
It guarantees that guests will have a peace of mind away from the eardrum-breaking sounds during night life.
They will also enjoy the freedom and privacy of doing their own re-creational activities in our compound, that is why Apartelle de Francesca, is perfect for company outing as well as family gathering.
It is often regarded as a “home way from home”.
With Apartelle de Francesca, guests can feel at home in a paradise.


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Accurate Map Location to Follow


Apartelle De Francesca
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Apartelle De Francesca, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0916 737 3086

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