Lalaguna Villas, Small Lalaguna Beach, Sabang, Puerto Galera

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Lalaguna Villas

Small Lalaguna Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro
Philippines 5203

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Phone: 043 287 3696
Mobile: 0917 570 3415

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OurPremiumVillasProperty Owners Description:

Lalaguna Villas Resort in Sabang, Puerto Galera is an exotic beach resort resting along the lush green forest mountains of Mindoro that connect to a white sand, blue water beach. We offer a private villas-style atmosphere with charming Filipino hospitality that is within a short walk from the center of the lively town of Sabang, Puerto Galera, Philippines. There you can enjoy dining, nightlife, shopping and more. Enjoy World Class Diving and Luxury Accommodations.

Lalaguna Villas offers a superior standard of villas that suit the most discerning traveler with a variety of rooms ranging from our studio accommodations for the budget conscious up to our signature ‘Penthouse’ executive apartment. In April of 2015 we are ranked in the top 6 of resorts in Puerto Galera!

Most of our rooms feature ocean views of one the most renowned tropical diving areas in the world. All our rooms are equipped with the latest facilities and amenities that guests consider a nice confluence of the highest western standard luxuries with local Filipino charm and hospitality.

We are the newest luxury resort on the island. Formerly part of the highly regarded Out of the Blue resort, we set our sights on an even higher standard resort with a more accommodating staff and facilities but with the same great ocean views and private limited access location.

Lalaguna Villas does not use lumpy mattresses and sandpaper bath towels. Instead, we use 320 thread count linens made from pure cotton and each bed is made with four of the finest, dual-chamber pillows from Tencel. Each bathroom is equipped with two sets of plush towels, each set comprising a 720 gram bath sheet, along with a 480 gram bath towel and matching face and hand towels.

We stock all rooms with fifteen liter bottles of purified drinking water dispensers supplying instant hot or chilled water, and replenished as required. Lalaguna Villas water supply is consistent. Our guests won’t suffer from water problems common in many other resorts. All of our taps use water saving shower heads with the best water pressure on the beach.

Humankind cannot survive on water alone. They need food, free WiFi and reliable electric power. Our resort is fully WiFi capable throughout including common areas where you may want to lounge like the pool, bar or clubhouse. For power “brownouts” we have installed battery backups that will power the entire resort for at least twelve hours before we have to turn on the generator. What does that maean for you? Uninterrupted power, and quiet! You should never have to hear our generator during your stay.

Food, you say? Guests and visitors alike can order from our extensive menu prepared by top chefs of cooked-to-order meals, served in your room, on your terrace or poolside. Our kitchen is open 24/7 for your convenience.

In season, please reserve your table for our fantastic sunset happy hours at our CGrill Floating Restaurant and Bar. After happy hour, soothe your palate from a selection of gourmet, international and local dishes that you can pair with one of the largest wine collections in the area.

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