Batangas to Tagaytay

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Distance between and Batangas to Tagaytay, Cavite

The distance from Batangas to Tagaytay, Cavite is about 90 km, according to Google, but can of course vary depending on the route that you choose.

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Doing a round trip, with a couple of slight deviations, comes to 174 km, as shown on the following Google map:

Hotels in TagaytayHotels in Cavite Province

Hotels in Batangas CityHotels in Batangas Province

Map Batangas Tagaytay Batangas

This next map shows the route between Las Pinas City and Batagas, with a distance of 182 kms showing, but that was for the return trip, ie: Las Pinas City, to Batangas Port to Las Pinas City.

The one way trip would be 91 kms, for Las Pinas City to Batagas Port.

Map LasPinas Batangas LasPinas

Hiring an Isuzu Alterra to do the trip from Las Pinas City to Batagas Port, then the round trip via Tagaytay and back to Batangas, with a final journey back to Las Pinas would therefore add up to (174+182) 356 kms.

With the diesel cost being about 45 pesos per Litre, and an Isuzu Alterra 4×2 Auto being in the region of 11 km per litre, say 10 km per litre, then the consumption should be about 36 litres, at a total cost of about 1,620 pesos.

An interesting figure, as it actually used 1,520 pesos for the first 265 kms, so a consumption of rate of closer to 7.8 km per litre.

Plus there was an extra 500 pesos charged for the return trip of 91 km, which works out at a diesel consumption rate of 8.2 km per litre. The return charge was 500 for fuel and 300 for tolls, total 800 pesos.

If we round both of those figures, we get about 8 km per litre, or about 12.5 litres per 100 km, in the fuel consumption rate that I am accustomed to.

I suppose I should not have expected better from a large car like that.

The official diesel consumption rate is shown as:

5.5 l/100 km at 60 km/h (37 mph) 42.7 mpg (U.S.)

6.9 l/100 km at 100 km/h (62 mph) 22.2 mpg (U.S.

Most driving was done at between these rates, so a rate of 6 litres per 100 kms would have been expected.

Therefore 356 km should have used about 22 litres. 22 Litres at 45 pesos per litre = 990 pesos total.

Funny enough, that was what I originally expected, not the 2,020 pesos that I ended up paying.

I did find out that the actual fuel cost for the trip back from Batangas Port to the depot at Las Pinas was 350 pesos.

So my calculations end up at 700 pesos for the 180 km Las Pinas-Batangas-Las Pinas = 3.89 pesos per km
with the cost for our trip Batangas-Tagaytay-Batangas being 1,420 pesos for 180 km = 7.88 pesos per km

The explanation was that the big 3.0 litre diesel engine of the Isuzu Alterra would have consumed much more fuel for the hills in Tagaytay, compared to the normal roads.

I’ve driven up the mountains in Switzerland, and not used that much fuel. All I can say now is that the Isuzu Alterra may look nice, but it is DAMNED expensive on fuel, no matter what the official figures say !!!

Official Figures:

Vehicle:  Cost per Km in pesos, and consumption rates:

Isuzu Alterra 4×2 3.0L MT diesel – P2.37/km (19.44 km/liter)

3 : 3,262 : 3,572,075

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