9G Working Visa Philippines

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Pre-Arranged Employees (Commercial) Visa (9G)

Any foreign national wishing to work in the Philippines must obtain a valid work visa, normally the 9(G) visa.

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This is a working visa that allows employers or proprietors [in the Philippines] to employ foreign nationals with skills, qualifications and experience that may be short in supply in the Philippines.

The Pre-Arranged Employees (Commercial) visa under Section 9 (g) and Section 20 of the Commonwealth Act No. 613 or Philippine Immigration Act of 1940 (PIA).



Cost for the 9G Visa is currently shown as:

A 1 year 9G Visa will cost

Php 10,630 for the Principal Applicant
Php 8,620 for the Dependent Spouse
Php 8,370 for the Dependent Child B16
Php 7,870 for the Dependent Child B14

A 2 year 9G Visa will cost

Php 18,170 for the Principal Applicant
Php 14,960 for the Dependent Spouse
Php 14,710 for the Dependent Child B16
Php 14,210 for the Dependent Child B14

A 3 year 9G Visa will cost

Php 25,710 for the Principal Applicant
Php 21,300 for the Dependent Spouse
Php 21,050 for the Dependent Child B16
Php 20,550 for the Dependent Child B14

There is also an Additional Fee for the ACR I-Card

US $50 for the 1 year 9G Visa
US $100 for the 2 year 9G Visa
US $150 for the 3 year 9G Visa

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